There are several ways to treat a cold sore. Over-the-counter creams, prescription drugs, and home remedies can be used to control the outbreak and speed healing. If you are in a situation where exposure to the sun can trigger an outbreak, you should apply sunblock or take oral antiviral drugs. In addition, avoiding acidic foods and drinks can help prevent the development of new outbreaks. Here are a few tips to avoid making the outbreak worse.

Symptoms of cold sores include itching, burning, and crusting over the affected area. The sore may crack or bleed as it heals. The scab will fall off, leaving the red and swollen skin behind. If you have a fever, your body is probably suffering from a viral infection called herpes simplex type 1. It's very common and spreads through close contact.

The main goal of cold sore treatment is to minimize the length of time the outbreak lasts. A simple, effective method to reduce the duration of a cold sore is to apply ice to it. Applying the ice to the sore for 30 minutes can reduce its duration and lessen the severity of the breakout. However, if the sore develops on your lips or on your nose, you should seek medical attention.

Over-the-counter anesthetic ointments can also help control pain and promote healing. Certain antiviral drugs can help cure a cold sore faster, and may even be given as injections. A doctor will have to determine whether your cold sore is caused by a virus. Often, antiviral medications can treat serious side effects of cold sores. This is why it is important to get treatment as soon as possible.

Over-the-counter medications may also be helpful. These medicines contain acetaminophen, which helps relieve discomfort associated with pain. Daily use of an antiviral cream can help shorten the duration of an outbreak. Although these medicines do not eliminate the virus, they can reduce pain and reduce the length of the ulcer. They should not be shared with others. Some over-the-counter medications contain acyclovir and penciclovir, which are helpful in shortening the duration of an outbreak.

A cold sore is uncomfortable and can be embarrassing. You should avoid talking to people while you are suffering from herpes. During a flash, do not expose your face to the sun. The sun's rays can damage your eyesight and you should seek medical attention. If the infection is caused by a virus, it is best to seek treatment right away and get expert help online You should not use a local anesthetic because it may cause too much of a reaction.

Depending on the severity of your cold sore, you can treat the outbreak by treating it as early as possible. If you are aware of the symptoms, you can treat the cold sore before it breaks out. These symptoms include itching, burning, and tingling in the area of your mouth and nose. You should also avoid sharing the affected area with anyone to prevent the spread of the virus. If you're concerned about the symptoms of your cold sore, seek medical treatment.

If you don't want to risk spreading the virus to others, you can try a home remedy. There are many over-the-counter medications for cold sores that contain analgesics. You can try them to decrease the symptoms of your outbreak. But don't forget to discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider and keep them private. By using the right over-the-counter medications, you can reduce the duration of your outbreak and avoid the risk of a recurring infection.

To control the pain, you can try over-the-counter anesthetic ointments and creams. They can be applied on the affected area, or you can apply them on your face or neck. Over-the-counter medications that contain docosanol or benzyl alcohol may help you stop the sore and reduce the pain. These medications will also help you heal faster. You will feel more confident after taking them, and will be able to enjoy dating without fear of having a sore on your face or neck.