Body Mass Index (BMI) is an estimation based on the height and weight of an individual. The BMI is measured as the ratio of weight to height and is usually expressed in terms of kilograms per meter squared, resulting from weight in pounds and height in meters.


If you are interested in knowing what is BMI you need to find out how it was determined. An ideal BMI can be used to determine what a person's weight would be at their height with reference to the ratio of their body weight to their height. When people are under a certain height they generally have a low BMI, but when people are over that height they tend to have a high BMI.


People who have a low BMI are not obese. Someone who is overweight may need to consider dieting if they want to achieve a low BMI. A person with a BMI of 25 or more can be considered to be overweight. On the other hand a person with a BMI of 18 or less is considered to be underweight.


It has been found that a high percentage of overweight people are underweight, so the question of what is BMI has to be answered before people start trying to lose weight. People need to understand that BMI is just an estimate, not a true diagnosis. They will not know what to do if they are overweight, but they can try to lose weight and try to stay under a certain BMI.


The best thing for someone who is underweight or overweight to do is to eat properly so as to make sure that their weight is not increased any further, while they are trying to reach the ideal weight for their height. Also it is very important that people should exercise regularly.


Once a person understands what is BMI, they can then start to take steps to change their weight. They will have to make sure that they keep on a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and do a number of other things which will help them maintain a healthy weight. After some time a person should see that their weight will start to return to the normal level.


Many people who are overweight can lose weight quite easily, but if you are overweight and underweight you will have to work harder at keeping your BMI down. This is because it takes time to lose weight.


You will need to start taking care of yourself mentally so that you can keep your BMI down


You will also need to give your body enough exercise so that it can burn off all of your extra fat.


There are many reasons why a person might want to lower their BMI. For example, if they do not want to become obese, they can choose to be a low-weight, low-obesity person, and they can also get lower paying jobs.


The choice of how to look at this depends on people. Some people prefer to stay in a certain group and feel good about themselves, others feel better with being a member of an outgroup and feel better about themselves, while some people prefer to be in the middle and do not care about being in a particular group. Some people want to lose weight because they have an illness or need to lose weight.


What is BMI for people who are overweight will depend on how long it takes to lose weight. If someone is overweight for a long time, it may not be possible to achieve a low BMI, even if they try hard.


If you are suffering from a condition such as diabetes, kidney or heart disease, hypertension, obesity, cancer, or cancer of the pancreas, this could also make it harder for you to get down to the required weight. In these cases the best thing to do is to get advice from your doctor before embarking on a weight loss plan.